Graffiti Fonts ™ CDROM Edition 3.0 - EXCLUSIVE! Very Rare!
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Adobe Fonts - 20000$ worth ! !
So you downloaded the Glow Font Folio Release a bit over a month ago
and when you unpacked the baby you found out to your disappointment
that all the fonts were still encrypted. Well the Glow release saved
you $70 you would otherwise have to pay for the encrypted and inaccessable
fonts. However you then would have to give Adobe $100 for a key to unecrypt
each ~censored~. And who in there right mind wants a 50 disk download saving em $70, when its nuthing but a program to purchase fonts at $100 a pop.
So here they are, FULLY unecrypted, all $20000 worth (or $12000 if you
buy it as a set). 2000 of the highest quality Adobe fonts you can get.
Brought to you by those boys in Heritage.
And just incase you dont realise, these are ADOBE fonts, not crappy
true type fonts. So if you havent leeched Adobe or other quality "publishing"
apps like PageMaker, then these are useless to you. Just incase your a warez
kiddy who only plays games and mabe writes up their school assignment in
MS Word then -=- this aint for you -=-. But then you probably would of grabbed
the latest game anyways, and just wondered why anyone would ever download that 50 disks of st00pid fonts, didnt you
pass word : SpyJoe
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