12, Asynchronous File Upload - YUI’s Approach
Quote: |
Code: |
http://test.thecodecentral.com/demos/asyncupload/ |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99465510/yui_2.4.1.zip |
13, pack 5 ajax galleries by x-MoBiLe
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99465814/5_ajax_galleries_by_x-MoBiLe.rar |
Core Features
- Web based image library software powered by PHP and MySQL.
- Sell image downloads and physical products via your own website.
- Grant image upload rights to selected, registered users.
- PayPal and 2Checkout integration for instant download of purchased images.
- Secure administration interface for managing your library and sales.
- Complete shopping cart and purchase management system.
- Automatic IPTC and EXIF metadata import support.
- Image download, search query and user authentication logging.
- Secure your images with Adobe Flash image display and customisable watermarking.
- User and group level access control management.
- HTTP (web based) upload of multiple images (up to the allowed limit set by your PHP configuration).
- FTP upload to the Pixaria 'incoming' images directory on your web server.
- Zip, Tar, Gzip and Tgz upload and import through web browser.
Image research tools
- Full text, keyword searching with boolean (and/or/not) operators.
- Image colour searching.
- Up to ten customisable lightboxes per user.
- Integrated system for searching for related images by keyword.
- Simple, in window (AJAX) slideshow for quick and easy browsing.
- PDF contact sheet download from lightbox view.
- Apache 1.3 +
- PHP 4.1 +
- PHP Safe Mode must be off
- MySQL 3.23 +
- GD 2.0.1 +
- FreeType GD (recommended)
- Zlib library (recommended)
- You get all the features you need at one affordable price.
- Integrated news / blog publishing with rich text formatting support and built in RSS feed.
- Contact form for keeping in touch with your clients.
- Fully integrated e-greetings cards from your image library.
Code: |
http://try.pixaria.com/ |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99466158/pixaria-2.0.rar |
15, eyeOS DAHLiA 1.2
Quote: |
Web development made easy eyeOS introduces a new way of developing web applications with the eyeOS Toolkit, a class library to help the application development and a group of functions to interactuate with the system. Forget about HTML, JavaScript, User Management, FileSystem and much more. Just use the eyeOS Toolkit! Read more...eyeOS is an Open Source Platform designed to hold a wide variety of Web Applications over it. eyeOS was thought as a new definition of Operating System, where everything inside it can be accessed from everywhere in a Network. All you need to do is to login into your eyeOS server with a normal Internet Browser, and access your personal desktop, with your applications, documents, music, movies... just like you left it last time. Currently, with the base system you can find a full suite of applications bundled, some for private use, like the file manager, a word processor, a music player, calendar, notepad or contacts manager. There are also some groupware applications, such as a group manager, a file sharing application, a group board and many more. eyeOS is Open Source, licensed under the GNU Public License version 3 (GPL3), which means that you can have your own private eyeOS server for your Family and Friends, Company or Web Network, completely free. But it also means you can browse through the eyeOS source code and access the eyeOS development tools to customize your system and develop new applications that fit your specific needs. If you want to start using eyeOS, you can join the International eyeOS free server, or create your own eyeOS server easily and be able to decide who can join it and customize it to your needs. Creating your own eyeOS server is actually very easy. All you need is a web server with PHP support, and even without that, you will find complete solutions that will install all you need to start using eyeOS in a few minutes. The idea behind eyeOS eyeOS is all about centering the work and entertainment to a single place. eyeOS is all about removing compatibility issues between applications and operating systems. eyeOS is all about taking your life everywhere. As you can see, the idea behind eyeOS is not to have an Operating System inside an Operating System, or a browser inside a browser. eyeOS is another step in the digital life era: * Being able to work from everywhere, despite of using a full featured modern computer, a mobile gadget or a completely obsolete pc. * Sharing resources easily between different work centers of a same company, or working from different places and countries in the same projects. * Enjoying always the same applications with the same open formats, and forgetting the usual compatibility problems between Office suites or traditional operating systems. * Being able to continue working if you have to leave your local computer or it just crashes, without loosing data or time in solving its problems: Just log in to your eyeOS from another place and continue working. |
Code: |
http://demo.eyeos.org/ |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99467290/eyeOS.rar |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99467503/miniuploader.rar |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99467806/my_upload_script_v2_by_x-MoBiLe.rar.rar |
18, Datalife Engine v 6.5 (PREMODDED)
Block On-Line 2.3
DLE Forum 2.1
Autoavar 1.0
Thanks Module
NEWS ~love~ (Bytom link)
Module 3.0 rulles
VIP accounts
Warez Panel
Module who read the news
The module is to visit
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99468224/premodded_dle_.rar |
download(DiSCUZ 6.0):
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99469938/Discuz__6.0.0_SC_UTF8.zip |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99469049/Discuz_6_0_language_by_x-MoBiLe.rar |
Code: |
templates/default/ |
20, Ajax iM 3.22
Code: |
what is it? ajax im ("asynchronous javascript and xml instant messenger") is a browser-based instant messaging client. It uses AJAX to create a near real-time IM environment that can be used in conjunction with community, intranet, and social websites. No refreshing of the page is ever needed for this "web application" to work, as everything is updated in real-time via JavaScript. |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99470534/ajax_im_3.22-Mohsen6558.zip |
Modern web sites and applications use Ajax to create engaging user experiences: the HTML and CSS are set in motion using JavaScript running in the browser and calling back the server. To achieve this, the server needs to prepare the web page appropriately, and to know what to do when the JavaScript calls it. But the server knows nothing about the HTML and CSS DOM, nor how to handle JavaScript data, and you can't code it in JavaScript...
...Jaxer changes all that. Jaxer is the world's first true Ajax server. HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are native to Jaxer, as are XMLHttpRequests, JSON, DOM scripting, etc. And as a server it offers access to databases, files, and networking, as well as logging, process management, scalability, security, integration APIs, and extensibility.
Write entire applications or presentation layers in Ajax
Your client code, your server code, and even shared code can all be written using the Ajax skills you already have. True "single page applications" are now possible, as well as full-featured end-to-end-Ajax web applications and rich presentation layers against your current back-end.
Write entire applications or entire presentation layers in Ajax
Full DOM and JavaScript on the server
Because Jaxer is a full Ajax server, you can not only run JavaScript on the server using the same techniques you've mastered in the browser, but you can also manipulate the DOM in the APIs you already use — and you can even use Ajax libraries like jQuery on the server side.
Full, standard, scriptable HTML DOM and JavaScript on the server
Seamless communications between browser and server
Accessing server-side JavaScript functions is as easy as calling any browser-side function. Just call them as you normally would, same parameters, same return values -- all of the data marshaling and communications is transparently handled for you. You can designate functions to run on the server and call them synchronously or asynchronously (by just adding "Async" to their name and specifying a callback).
Call server JavaScript functions from the browser
Access existing pages written in other languages like PHP, Java, or Ruby on Rails
Jaxer includes a rich framework for many useful tasks on the server, including accessing local or remote web resources and services without cross-domain security restrictions that a browser might impose, or rewriting HTML pages generated by other platforms.
Access existing resources served by other languages like PHP, Java, or Ruby on Rails
Share validation code on the browser and server
With Jaxer, you can also tag any function or block of functions to run on both the server and the browser. Developers can write logic once, and it can be executed from either location. One ideal use of this is data validation. Validate your forms on the client to provide instant user feedback, and once the form is successfully submitted, validate it again on the server to ensure its integrity, using the exact same logic — no more code rewriting, and no getting them out of sync and possibly opening security holes.
Share validation code on the browser and server
Database, file, and socket access from JavaScript
With Jaxer, your JavaScript gains full access to databases such as MySQL or the integrated SQLite database. Rich filesystem I/O as well as low-level network socket access are available to you all directly in JavaScript on the server. And you can call those server functions seamlessly from the client — exposing only the ones consistent with your security requirements.
Database, file, and socket access
Open-source, standards-based, and uses the APIs you already know
Jaxer is licensed under the GPL, and leverages the ubiquitous Mozilla engine that is used in Firefox 3, which means that Jaxer is fully compatible with the latest JavaScript standards, including access to all of the features you are familiar with — from Date to Math to window and document, and even JavaScript 1.5, 1.7, and 1.8 — they're all there. If you know JavaScript and HTML, you can already build Jaxer applications.
Open source, standards-based, and uses the APIs you already know
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99471124/Jaxer_package_withApache.zip |
Quote: |
1. Simple auto installer file
2. Ban and unban IP's using the GUI
3. Includes an IP logger with IP, date, time, referer and browser
4. Ban with a reason input field
5. When banned users try and access the page they are shown the reason they are banned
6. Includes an IP whois
7. Completely open source!
8. Export IP logs as Excel Spreadsheet (XLS)
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99471493/simpleban.zip |
25, Easy LOGO GENERATOR by x-MoBiLe - Easy to code & Easy to use :-)
preview (images):
Code: |
http://eazy-up.yw.sk/up4/public.php?action=viewset&upload_id=6 |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99471930/logo_gen.rar |
26, Appnitro Machform v1.2 nulled by [x-MoBiLe], Cool PHP Form Creator by x-MoBiLe | DoWnLoAd iT
Code: |
http://eazy-up.yw.sk/up4/public.php?action=viewset&upload_id=7 |
Code: |
http://x-mobile.hostuju.cz/up/files/1/scripts/files/form.rar |
Code: |
http://x-mobile.hostuju.cz/url/?form_null |
Code: |
Installation Steps: 1. Create your mysql database with phpmyadmin or so Make sure to write down the database name, username, password, and database host (often localhost) for the database. Make sure the database user has the proper permissions to create tables within the database. 2. Configuration File In the base directory of your installation you'll find a file called config.php. Open this file and fill in the required database and host variables: DB_HOST - The host domain/IP of the database (usually localhost but not always) DB_NAME - Name of the database DB_USER - Database username DB_PASSWORD - Database users password Also, you need to change the default admin username and password for MachForm control panel: ADMIN_USER - Admin username ADMIN_PASSWORD - Admin password After all details are filled in, save the config.php file. 3. Upload to the server Upload the whole machform folder and files into your site folder. 4. Set folder permission MachForm requires the data folder to be writable. If you are using Linux, use the chmod command (example: chmod 777 data). If you are using a Windows FTP client to upload the files, such as SmartFTP or CuteFTP you can simply right click to the folder and choose the chmod command and set the permission into writable. 5. That's it! MachForm should now be installed. You can now login to MachForm control panel using your admin username and password as defined on step 2 above. |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99472500/form.rar |
27, Mint v.2.15 WiTH ALL Peppers & plugins & Styles nulled by x-MoBiLe
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99472987/Mint_v.2.15.includes-ALL.Peppers.and_plugins_nulled_by_x-MoBiLe.rar |
30, Ajax Poll & Callendar
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99473742/ajax_poll_callendar_by_x-mobile_.rar |
31, CryptoJAX - MUST HAVE !!!
try : BiNARY TO ASCii
Code: |
01000011 01010010 01011001 01010000 01010100 01001111 01001010 01000001 01011000 00100000 01000010 01011001 00100000 01111000 00101101 01001101 01101111 01000010 01101001 01001100 01100101 |
Code: |
Cryptojax is an AJAX based php script which converts plaintext into many form of encryptions and vice versa. |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99474050/cryptojax_by_x-MoBiLe.rar |
3, ClickHeat | Clicks heatmap
Code: |
http://www.labsmedia.com/clickheat/index.php |
(login/password: demo/demo)
Can I use the heatmap generator outside ClickHeat (for my own application)?
Since 1.2 you can do that (still using PHP and GD of course), please have a look at the Heatmap PHP class
Debug mode answers "forbidden referer/group" and no click is logged:
This is because you've specified a "whitelist" of domains/groups in the configuration. If the configuration field is empty, then all clicks are logged. If there's a value, then the click must be okay. For example, if you have whitelisted the groups "home, contact, links", then the click's group must be one of these three. Be careful with domains (referers), these must be fully declared: domain.com won't allow www.domain.com. You must define both as "domain.com, www.domain.com".
Horizontal position of clicks on the heatmap is totally wrong:
You may define your page's layout by clicking the logo right next to the Group's name (dropdown box) and choose the layout that fits your website. Else the layout is considered as liquid (100%) and if yours is fixed, clicks won't be correctly placed.
Heatmap shows red squares:
Default was to try the fatest way to render the map, but some versions of GD don't handle it correctly. Please check the specified checkbox in your configuration.
The admin page doesn't show the whole page (only the top 50 pixels):
Choice was made to show only the part of the page that has clicks. Just select another page or another date range with enough data
The admin page reload itself to show my website (full page):
You should disable javascript code on your website that forces reloading pages if they are in a frame.
Firefox is running very slow on the admin page:
It seems Firefox has a problem while handling transparent PNGs, even if there's only a PNG on the page. So sorry, no fix for that, just some bug reports: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64401
I can't delete the "logs" using FTP, what's the matter?
The FTP user (say "ftp") may not be the same as the web service's user (say "www"). When a new click is logged, and the log doesn't exist, "www" creates it, with various permissions, and most of the time "ftp" has only the read access. So "ftp" can't delete it, only "www" can do it.
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99460790/clickheat-1.7.zip |
4, Relay: Ajax Directory Manager (ZUPA DUPA :-)
Code: |
http://ecosmear.com/relay/demo/ |
* drag-n-drop files and folders
* dynamic loading file structure
* upload progress bar
* thumbnail view, including pdf
* multiple users & accounts
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99461458/relayb01-071706.zip |
5, Ajatus CRM
tus is a new distributed CRM that “runs as a local Ajax web application on your own computer. It uses the CouchDb object database for data storage and enjoys a wide range of plug-in and replication possibilities.”
The Ajax side of the house uses jQuery for fun and profit.
It is a lot of fun to see people get excited and creative around CouchDb, which recently had the first major release featuring:
* a REST API using JSON instead of XML for data transport,
* a JavaScript view engine based on Mozilla Spidermonkey,
* a GNU Autotools build system supporting most POSIX systems (Noah Slater) ,
* a built-in administration interface (Christopher Lenz),
* experimental fulltext search with Lucene (Jan Lehnardt) and
* countless tweeks, enhancements and other small refinements.
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99461846/ajatus-0.5.0.zip |
6, PHP SysInfo
phpSysInfo is a PHP script that displays information about the host being accessed.
It will displays things like Uptime, CPU, Memory, SCSI, IDE, PCI, Ethernet, Floppy, and Video Information.
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99462188/phpsysinfo.rar |
7, Tiny Tiny RSS
Demo :
Code: |
http://tt-rss.org/demo/tt-rss.php |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99462465/tt-rss-1.2.18.rar |
8, Claros inTouch - Ajax webmail - AJAX Script
Demo :
Code: |
http://demo.claros.org/intouch2 |
Username: demo.account@claros.org
Password: hebelek
Ajax Webmail
No page refreshes, fast and clean user interface, enhancing your e-mail experience.
It supports many languages out of the box.
Instant Messenger
Chat with your friends from any network while you are composing an e-mail.
It is Java software and utilizes JSP/Servlets with the well known J2EE technologies.
Platform Independent
It is platform independent and can run on any Operating System & Architecture
Bayesian Spam Protection
Built-in spam protection. It can identify junk mail on the fly. No setup needed!
Supports both Pop3 and IMAP protocols. Supports both mbox and Maildir formats.
MIME Compatible
Fully MIME compatible whilst both sending and receiving e-mail.
Full featured calendar with daily, weekly and monthly views.
A web based disk management module for offering your users a simple to use remote backup solution.
A full featured address book is included.
Post-it Notes
Don't memorize things. Simply place a post-it note. It will stay where you left it.
RSS Reader
Read news from your favorite RSS feed from the same interface.
Image To-Do List
Simple To-do list manager is included
Free Software
It is free software, as in term "free as a bird".
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99463274/postaci-webmail-2.0.1-Mohsen6558.zip |
9, Orca - Interactive forum script
Code: |
http://www.demozzz.com/orca/demo/ |
Enjoy the spirit of Web 2.0 with 100% AJAX forum software for self-moderated community
Inthe world of accelerating technologies you don't want archaic forumsoftware. You want something new, fresh, classy, stylish and sexy -just like Orca.
Orca introduces a new approach tobuilding online discussion boards. The main focus in Orca is given toself-moderation - it provides tools to build a community without-moderators or administrators. It gives true freedom.
Interactive forum script with unique approach
AJAXyAJAX is cool and trendy, but what's more important - it makes web apps work better. Orca is an AJAX forums script, using AJAX exactly where it should be used. This brings unique user experiences and considerable server load savings.
IntegratableYou might already have awebsite, and it might already have a good database of users. Orca isremarkably easy to integrate with your existing user database. You justadd it to your site, and it accepts existing members with their photosand passwords.
Self-rulingForums need close attention torun smoothly. Orca doesn't. We built Orca as a self-moderated communityscript, which can work effectively without any moderators whatsoever.This is the main difference, and Orca will be getting better at it.
GPL-licensedFree community needs a freeforum script. Orca is completely free, open-source and free in terms oflicensing. It is distributed under GPL license, which should uncoverits potential and make it #1 forum software on the net.
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99463589/Orca-1.2.beta3.zip |
10, MemHT Portal 3.5.0 Full
Quote: |
MemHT Portal is a Free PHP CMS and Blog that permit the creation and the management online of websites with few and easy steps. It's completelly customizable, expandable and suitable for all needs. |
- Content management: Articles, Faq, Guides and News divided by topics
- Visual (WYSIWYG) and BBCode text editors
- PDF, RSS feeds syndication, Tags engine and Social bookmarking
- Archive system
- Complete forums addon with private messages support
- Search engine friendly links when mod-rewrite available
- Search engine friendly sitemap (google,msn,yahoo,ask etc)
- Searcg engine friendly pages (customizable description and keywords)
- AJAX based Gallery with zip files importing support
- User groups and rank based access restriction
- File manager with users submission support
- Advanced security system
- Database panel: Optimization and Backup
- Template support
- Statistics, Newsletter manager, Advertising system,
Links directory, Advanced internal search engine and so on
- Feed Aggregator: Create new articles and news from external rss feeds
- CronJobs support for the maintenance class
Available languages:
- Arabic
- Bosnian
- Bulgarian
- Danish
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Hungarian
- Italian
- Persian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Serbian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Turkish
- Vietnamese
Code: |
http://demo.memht.com/ |
Code: |
http://www.memht.com/index.php?page=imageup http://www.memht.com/guestbook/ http://www.memht.com/calendar/ |
Code: |
http://www.memht.com/gallery/ |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99464071/MemHT_Portal_3.5.0_Full_b.rar |
11, An ajax file manager
Code: |
http://kfm.verens.com/ |
Code: |
http://rapidshare.com/files/99464944/kfm-1.2.zip |
wow! nice collection...
Hi! nice blog... article submission
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